Kids Hacking is a great playground for my cyber friends to learn coding, exchange knowledge, collaborate on new ideas and the most important to enjoy and have fun during their stay on the site.
Except from the material published on this site, a collection of videos can be watched at my YouTube channel and all available source code can be forked from my GitHub account. Also, you may text me in Twitter.
Further, in order to clear any misunderstandings on the origins and the meaning of the term "hacker", based on Wikipedia "A computer hacker is any skilled computer expert that uses their technical knowledge to overcome a problem".
Except from the material published on this site, a collection of videos can be watched at my YouTube channel and all available source code can be forked from my GitHub account. Also, you may text me in Twitter.
Further, in order to clear any misunderstandings on the origins and the meaning of the term "hacker", based on Wikipedia "A computer hacker is any skilled computer expert that uses their technical knowledge to overcome a problem".